DVXUSER.COM is the place to go for discussions and help on film making. Our Raylight product is well known and recommended there because it solves some work flow problems.
Here are some of the threads at DVXUSER describing why people use our products:
P2 Card transfers
cheap pc laptop- P2 re capture to mac workflow
How Raylight works around Apple's Final Cut software issues
"Get Raylight, and all this will disappear. Raylight fixes every problem that Apple seems to introduce. It seems like every other version Apple breaks something in their log & transfer/import P2 functionality. Raylight has been stable and fixes all that, plus it lets you avoid all the duplicate file size stuff and the time it takes to import footage. Now more than ever I consider Raylight a mandatory portion of an FCP workflow."
Q. Raylight is a way to access your P2 footage without changing or converting it in any way? I guess what I want to know is does it actually remove the pulldown or just let FCP see it that way. Can Raylight in any way change the information I save from each P2 card dump to my hard drive. I downloaded the demo but am still a bit confused.
A. FCP does a translation of MXF files into Quicktime files all in one go. Raylight does it on-the-fly, as-needed. So your original footage stays untouched in MXF format, but Raylight creates a Quicktime reference file that FCP can use.
The difference is that you get instantaneous access to your footage, instead of having to go through the Log & Transfer process. And you can work from the original footage or even the P2 cards if you want, whereas FCP's Log & Transfer forces you to take up twice as much space by creating Quicktime files (which take up space but also take time). Plus, because you avoid the whole Log & Transfer process, you avoid any issues that crop up when Apple breaks their system (which has happened on more than one occasion).So Raylight doesn't change anything. Your original footage stays intact, unmodified, untouched. But it can automatically skip 24pA pulldown, which is very nice and gives you access to the true pure raw 24P footage.
Mac to PC discussion
if you work between the two Operating systems, Raylight maybe the only RAY of hope
Vegas 8 Pro, Raylight, and Windows Vista - A review
Raylight to the Rescue again getting Avid edited files to work in FCP
Solve my Strange 32G P2 problem
Yet another FCP problem... sigh. My stock answer is always the same: try the demo of Raylight and see if it doesn't just make all your problems go away...
Raylight is the program Panasonic should have shipped with all their P2 cameras
I recommend to everyone to ditch Apple's Log & Transfer, and use Raylight instead
Five Reasons Raylight is essential for FCP users wanting ot use P2:
Raylight is, IMO, absolutely essential for FCP users wanting to use P2. It does many things for you. The first of which is, all that time you spend in the log & transfer window just disappears. Raylight creates quicktime reference files instantly, so you can just plug in your external drive and edit instantly. No importing, no logging and transferring, just immediate editing.
Second thing is, FCP's import window occasionally just refuses to import perfectly valid clips. Raylight always imports them. So you'll save yourself some frustration there.
Third, Raylight uses the metadata, and in fact can use it rather intelligently. It can sort your clips based on the metadata into individual project folders, doing some manner of media management for you automatically.
Fourth, you get access to the User Clip name function, so you can name your clips with custom names in-camera, and Raylight preserves them. So when it comes time to edit, you don't face a bunch of 0003RU.MXF files, you instead get "Marriott Commercial Take 1.mov"-style names.
Fifth, Raylight lets you author virtual P2 cards and export them back out to cards, if you have need of doing so.
Run, don't walk, to get it. It's the best P2/FCP workflow enhancement tool on the market.
That's why I think Raylight is so nice. You work off the MXF files.
P2 Import Mystery
Wish Apple would get with it and allow FCP to use MXF files directly but until then Raylight is the way to go.
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